Voor het jaarlijks terugkerende fotofestival Goeikes in Helmond doe ik als één van de geselecteerde fotografen mee. Voor het thema van dit jaar Hoogvliegers ben ik bezig met een serie planten- en kruidenportretten die onderdeel waren van de middeleeuwse vliegzal/ heksenzalf.
De buitenexpo vindt plaats in mei 2025 in Helmond.
Wil je het prachtige boek bestellen waar een groot deel van mijn serie in staat? Dat kan tot eind maart via https://goeikes.nl/product/goeikes-hoogvliegers/86859
Via de site www.werkaandemuur.nl kun je nu prints van mijn werk bestellen!
De shop is groeiende dus wordt regelmatig geupdated.
Via de volgende link kom je direct in mijn shop:
Every Day I Sing My Lovesong For You is the third song from the project Galactic by POETRY GIRL/ Marianna Geraci. Music written and performed by Marianna Geraci. Video by Marianna Geraci.
It is about celebrating each day.
February 2024
POETRY GIRL with Jules Chanson, again in a beautiful collaboration, in this new song The Turning Tide from the album Reality Whitewash by Jules Chanson & The Time Nomads.
All instruments: Jules Chanson. Except violin: Mirte Douwes, guitar effects: Dennie van Belzen
Lyrics, voice and video: POETRY GIRL/ Marianna Geraci
November 2023
Satellite Love is the second song from the project GALACTIC by POETRY GIRL. Music, lyrics, performance and artwork by Marianna Geraci.
Satellite Love is entering the field of spoken poetry on music, which I'll be doing more for this project.
De Gewijde gaat het daglicht zien! 13 oktober 2023 is de release van mijn nieuwe gedichtenbundel waarin ook foto-illustraties van mij staan.
De Gewijde is een inspirerende en diepgaande gedichtenbundel waarbij de lezer meegenomen wordt op een meeslepende en poetische reis naar de kracht van verandering en zelfontdekking. De gedichten en illustraties onderzoeken de vragen en emoties die samengaan met het fundamentele herschikken van een menselijk en universeel lot.
Yes... the new project GALACTIC is here.
Starting off with Sirius. More to come on YouTube and here on my website.
April 2023
The Prophet Songs is a remake of a cd I made with Jules Chanson, back in 2000.
In the last few years we have revisited and re-recorded these songs.
Written by Jules Chanson and POETRY GIRL.
All lead vocals and voices by Marianna Geraci, Backing vocals on 2, 11 by Jules Janssen. All instruments by Jules Janssen, except: Mike Clarke: Tenor Saxophone on 1, 4. 6, Hella Magyar: Cello on 2, 7, 8, 14, Servaes van der Mullen: Violin on 9 and Mirjam Bloemendaal: Trumpet sounds on 4, 10. 12. Mixing, mastering and co-production: Patrick Bossink. Artwork by Marianna Geraci
Click on the image for the full album on Spotify. Or go to Bandcamp.
December 2022
Exit Song is the ninth and also final song from the project NORTH.
Next year I'll start with a new project, soon more..
September 2022
Children of the Sea is the eighth song from the project NORTH by Marianna Geraci for POETRY GIRL.
All rights resereved, 2022.
June 2022
Into the heart is the seventh song from the project NORTH by POETRY GIRL/ singer songwriter Marianna Geraci.
Best listened to with headphones on.
Artwork and music by Marianna Geraci for POETRY GIRL. All rights reserved, 2022.
May 2022
Map to the next world is the sixth song from the project NORTH, written and performed by Marianna Geraci for POETRY GIRL.
Inspired by the poem A Map to the next world by Joy Harjo.
The image is a vintage photo I found that just covers this song so beautifully; I do not own the rights.
April 2022
This is the fifth song from the project NORTH written and performed by Marianna Geraci for POETRY GIRL.
What do you see? And what is presented? The Looking Glass is a song about choosing and creating a different, new reality and the human power to do so.
January 2022
This is the fourth song from the project NORTH by POETRY GIRL/ music and artwork: Marianna Geraci.
In this time where there is a tendency of mass suppression, worldwide violation of basic human rights and an ongoing silencing of critical thinkers, makers, doctors and scientists, all happening under the pretence of fighting a global health matter, it is good to remember the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in what context this was written back in 1948.
The concept that all humans – simply because they are human, are entitled to the same rights, has been around for many centuries. But it wasn’t until after the horrors of the second world war that leaders from all around the globe came together determined to find ways to foster friendship and peace.
In 1948 the United Nations agreed on a specific set of essential rights and freedoms that should apply to all people. The government in each country has a responsibility to ensure the human rights in the UN Declaration are translated and embedded into its own national laws so that the rights are adequately protected and can be realised for all citizens.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a visionary document that continues to provide us with a blueprint to achieve peace, dignity and equality on a healthy planet.
The Declaration holds thirty articles, all of equal importance. For this work I used the text of four articles that, to me, seem most relevant now.
December 2021
The unexpected king is the third song from the project NORTH by POETRY GIRL/ singer songwriter and artist Marianna Geraci.
Credits: The string melody used in the last part of this song is from the English Christmas Carol ’I Saw Three Ships (Come Sailing In)’ from the 17th century.
The lyrics are a free adaption of the lyrics of the advent carol ‘People, Look East’ written by Eleanor Farjeon (1881-1965)
The dancer is Rudolf Nurejev (1938-1993). This scene was from the ballet The Sleeping Beauty, 1961
It's only water: the second song from the project NORTH.
I used footage from a vintage scuba diving film (1953).
The project continues; the navigating going underwater and upstream.
The new music project NORTH is about these stormy times and navigating the unknown.
The first song is called Let the storms begin.
For the film I used footage of the film Isle of Destiny (1940), public domain.
Love is the seventh song from the project Days of Innocence & Thunder by POETRY GIRL. These last two songs are taking a different direction; more instrumental and short, rather than following the structure of a song.
MARCH 2021
On the news they should only read fairytales is the sixth song from the project Days of Innocence & Thunder by POETRY GIRL.
Better than Love is the fifth song from the project Days of Innocence & Thunder by POETRY GIRL.
Lyrics are taken from a poem by Ruth Pitter, Better than Love.
Once in the woods by POETRY GIRL. No. 4 from the project Days of Innocence & Thunder. A big thank you to model Amel for the film.
In the Pines by POETRY GIRL. No. 3 from the project Days of Innocence & Thunder. In the Pines is a traditional song, also known as Where did you sleep last night.
I loved to do this version of the song for this project.
Deze fotoserie gaat over puurheid en rauwe hoop, over onze oorspronkelijk intrinsieke kracht en het navigeren op je eigen wijsheid. Het is een uitdaging deze
verbinding niet te verliezen en telkens weer op zoek te gaan naar wat je kwijt bent geraakt. Deze tijd vooral zet dit op scherp. Waar geloof je in? Waar verbind je je mee? Wie ben je? En waar kom
je vandaan? Met model Amel.
Press the image for more.
We joined forces with the amazing archives of the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision (Beeld en Geluid). We called all artists to create a new work with images and video’s from www.openbeelden.nl. And today we can announce the selection!
You left me a silent journey by POETRY GIRL is selected for the Art Department 2020, Fest & Conference on concept art and design, Eindhoven NL.
October 2020
It's on fire, no. 2 from the project Days of Innocence & Thunder.
With a world seemingly on fire, this song was 'born' just in a few days, in between the work on other songs that take longer of my attention.
September 2020
Met een open call roept We are Playgrounds op om nieuw werk van maximaal 1 minuut te creëeren aan de hand van de archieven van het Nederlands Instituut voor Beeld en Geluid. You left me a silent journey is mijn inzending voor Poetry Girl music.
August 2020
Voor een open call van Fotofestival Schiedam maakte ik de serie Transition met model Zsa Zsa.
June 2020
The video for Rocket made by students from Buas for POETRY GIRL is on the Mestmag list of cultural initiatives in times of corona!
Mestmag is the official cultural platform of North- Brabant, Netherlands.
May 2020
This animation video was made by students of Buas (Breda University of applied science)/ Production House for Rocket, a new song by POETRY GIRL.
A big thank you to Lennard Hoendervangers, Noortje Driessen, Leonie Palm and Sophie Verweij.
February 2020
From the project The Concept of Love
March 2020
Vrijdag 6 maart 2020 at Cultkitchen Breda, Kraai & Soep, te reserveren via Facebook Cultkitchen Breda.
How close can I get to someone I don't really know?
Close to you is about connection and our longing for it. During this project I am making portraits of women I don't or hardly know, where I find that photography enables me to capture something real in another person, by which the connection deepens. In the photo's I look for a timeless and honest image.
Listening to and downloading POETRY GIRL songs on Bandcamp.
October 2019
From the project The Concept of Love
October 2019
From the project The Concept of Love
September 2019
Love Somebody (but I won't tell who). Music based on the traditional arrangements of the song.
September 2019
With cellist Hella Magyar performing live at Open Monumentendag, Delft, NL.
We played a program about love; own songs & own, new versions of traditional folksongs like Butcher's Boy, I will give my love an apple and Black is the colour of my true love's hair.
It was an honour and pleasure to play at three different historical locations in the city centre of Delft :)
August 2019
From the project The Concept of Love:
POETRY GIRL performing live, July 2019.
July 2019
POETRY GIRL was performing live at Starry Night Festival, NL, July 2019.
With cellist Hella Magyar.
June 2019
POETRY GIRL performing live at Starry Night Festival, Zundert, NL. July 5, 2019.
Press the image for more info.
Currently working on my new project WE ARE CLOUD for Poetry Girl.
'Softly Making Holes' is the most recent song from this project. You can follow Poetry Girl on YouTube: Poetry Girl/Marianna Geraci playlist.
April 2019
One of the more recent songs from the project We Are Cloud: The Chapter of Water.
This song is from 2014, film from 2018, out now: Good Times Will Come.
At Wolfslaar Akoustisch, 24 maart 2019, Breda, NL.
With cellist Hella Magyar.
Poetry Girl was live for a TRY OUT with cellist Hella Magyar at Stek, Breda. It was a challenge to perform the music just with the piano, cello and voice and without computer, but it was great. To be continued :).
Van de tentoonstelling en het project TAKE ME TO THE SEA van Liesbeth van Well en Marianna Geraci, waarin zeven statushouders met hun persoonlijk verhaal centraal staan in woord, foto en film, is nu een publicatie gekomen! Hierin staan de volledige poëtische teksten van de deelnemers, over hun vluchtverhaal, hun dromen en hun kracht, zowel in het Nederlands als in het Engels. Aangevuld met de zeven portretfoto's van deze expositie, gemaakt door Marianna Geraci.
Te bestellen via email info@mariannageraci.nl of vanaf 24 september 2018 te verkrijgen in boekhandel Van Kemenade in Breda, kosten zijn € 12,50.